I Don't Like Hats

But I am advised to wear them. This winter, it was to protect my head from the cold and of course when the sun shows its face, it is to protect it from that. When I washed the Mazda 2 weeks ago when we had a glorious Sunday, I could find nothing but a horrible Bill and Ben type hat so I resolved to get something more suitable. Baseball caps do the job excellently, but have an image problem, either being worn the wrong way round by the yoof or adorning the head of a red necked American who looks like his parents may have been related (no offence to the general population of America, but that's the image that I have in my head).

So .... this was my answer. Can't help but feel that I have reached a certain age when my wardrobe includes a flat cap!

Friday night's sleep was broken by silly dreams, amongst them, a desire to eat ribs and coleslaw. No idea where that came from unless it was a result of thinking about baseball caps, but I had to give in. Had a whole rack of ribs to myself last night. Delicious.

Sometimes you just have to give into temptation or impulse no matter how ridiculous it may be.

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