'Sunday Arvo Session at St.Andrews'

This afternoon I had a quick visit up to our fave pub to catch some live music. Our buddy Ben was playing there with a bunch of other musos. A really different experience to seeing Ben play solo or with his mate Steve on didge and percussion. There was lots of improvisation going on and just getting into a groove and seeing where things ended up. There was electronic sax, acoustic guitar, bass guitar, lead guitar, djembe and vocals. A real eclectic mix of stuff going on.

This morning we went to visit my Nana who has just moved into a nursing home. She introduced us to her lovely neighbour Lily who is about to celebrate her 100th birthday in a few weeks time. A really lovely, beautifully dressed lady who is in very good nick. We took Nana out for lunch up in the Dandenongs which was really nice. I think she enjoyed our company for a few hours and we had a good chat about her early days and her family, stuff I had never heard before.

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