Occasionally Focused

By tsuken


I made dis.

And I'm feeling pretty pleased with myself, actually. The kids have a billycart derby at school quite soon, and I set about building a billycart for them, using wood from our old bed. The front wheels are the training wheels off the lad's first bike (which, oddly, are of larger diameter than those that came from his current bike). The axles and rear wheels were bought, and the brake - and rear handle thing which I put on after this - repurposed from bits of an old folding laundry basket that was set to be thrown out.

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I loaded some B&W film into my brother-in-law's Canon EOS5 today.

I thought it fitting that the first thing I shot with it was the kids and the billycart. It's rather a different feeling, not knowing how it turned out, and knowing that I won't find out until I've shot off another 23 frames - which unlike digital, is not 2 minutes. ;-)

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