my name is not Liz Imbrie

By LizImbrie

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Edinburgh's such a village. This morning I had someone coming to the flat to pick up a door we had advertised on freecycle. Communicated by email with this guy who said he was sending his wife to come and collect. I opened the door and I was surprised to see someone I knew! Crazy.

Popped up to see Rob, Sharon and the kids to drop off Sharon's birthday pressie. They were all hanging out in the back garden having put up their new tent. I wish I was 4 again. Tents are so much fun when you're 4.

Polished off the day with a pleasant evening in the Stockbridge Tap and then a curry back at the flat with Rhona and Alan who'd come to visit from Glasgow. They're another couple that we don't see nearly enough of.

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