Blether's Day #3

".....oh, look at it the '50s South Clerk St used to be such a lovely street........really nice shops like that haberdashery, Mudflinger & Sons, and that shop that had the lovely clothes I only really remember the checked dress that I nearly bought in 1960 lovely dress it was but I think I'd spent all my money on cleaning products from that wee shop on the corner you know the one the one that had the wee white-haired man with no teeth behind the counter I forget his name but he would never serve Mr and Mrs Patel I think he was nearly racist actually and then the sweetie shop where we got your soor plooms from....what do you mean you don't remember the Patels?! remember, she had a glass eye and he used to bring us bread rolls from Storey's if he was passing although he kept barking at the cat so I never let him in I can't believe you don't remem.....anyway they're dead now so I suppose the nearly racist chap will be long gone.....but thanks for such a lovely day everyone you're all so lovely and I've had such a good time but I won't say any more because I'll start to cry.....of course there was that butcher too remember the butcher the one with the ruby earrings that's him uh-huh......"

Blether's Day #1

Blether's Day #2

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