bucks life

By bucksmiss


This is the one and only violet I spotted in my lawn today. I've always loved them.

After doing the week's shopping this morning, I visited the letting agents to gen up on their offering for finding a tenant for Ch's new house. I then had a Skype chat with Ch in Perth. Unfortunately, I got a bit upset when he asked how the head shrink sessions were going and I had to stop the call. Not good. We swapped texts afterwards so he knows it wasn't his fault. I'm going to have to talk about this at my next head shrink session tomorrow. I can't keep getting upset when talking about certain issues. I need to deal with them...

I also spoke to A in Canada on Skype too. We haven't spoken since I saw her in Hamble in early February so it was really good to catch up. They've still got snow. She's nuts to choose to live there if you ask me. Give me a moderate maritime climate any day.

It'll be a quiet evening preparing for the working week....

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