0804 to Leeds


"What's the hardest thing about game design?"
"Making things work. In almost all cases, the concepts and design you come up with don't work in reality, and you spend the rest of the time trying to work out why...that and crying into your computer.”

It’s been a tiring day, doing some holiday shopping in York. I saw some interesting characters there but sadly this is not Humans of York! :)
On the way I made a stop off in Leeds and came across Robin here. It was a brilliantly sunny start to the day and she was dressed to embrace it.

Robin told me she had studied game design and we talked for a while about video games in general, the phenomenon that is flappy bird, and about what she was doing now. She is currently just ‘milling around’ (her words), not having much direction, but taking the opportunity to see what comes up.

It was interesting to talk to her about game design, as I work in software design, so there was much overlap. I’ve never cried into my computer however, though I’ve seldom swore at it.

Humans of Leeds

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