
By samsticks

Another Moving Day

Backblip - no internet at home for a couple of weeks

Well today went as expected, with too much lifting and driving around. None of my usual lifting buddies were available, so Gina and I muddled through around looking after Miles until Esme arrived and helped out with The Little Goblin. We moved our stuff out from Faye and Lewis’, leaving what felt like and empty house – amazing how much we’d brought over for such a short time!
When we arrived at our new place, Aaron was our knight in shining armour and helped out with the heavier lifting, despite the fact that he’d just twinged his own back minutes before arriving. He did a run to storage to get the couches and tables before shooting off again with some thank you beers.
I’ve mentioned before that Esme (third from the left) will be living with us (“key players” blip to come soon I think!), but some of her friends, Kat and Emma were in town in their campervan, so we offered them some of our lawn. They arrived just in time for the second (and final!) storage run, and then we settled down for some take out and sparkling. This time, we were really in!

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