Lali's World

By Lali

Reflection or reality?

Finnish practice:

Heijastus näyttää todelliselta mutta todellisuus näyttää heijastus. Tämä kuva kanssa haluan näytää miten todellisuus voi olla petollinen.

(What I'm trying to say: The reflection looks real but the reality looks like a reflection. With this picture I want to show how reality can be deceptive.)

Yesterday I had lots of mistakes in my Finnish, haha! I can only apologize to Finnish people for destroying their language with my attempts to use it. But hey, we learn from our mistakes, so it's all good!!! :)

Work was fairly busy for a Monday. The weather was amazing! A bit cold but it was dry and sunny and there was no wind. I wish I'd had the day off to enjoy it. But tomorrow I'm off, so I'm hoping that the good weather continues! :)

Thanks very much for all your nice comments, stars and hearts for my blip yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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