
By DaveWoolmer

Freshly laundered

A couple of weeks ago I had the front outside light replaced, as I managed to ruin the old one (shower of sparks whilst trying to adjust the sensitivity it).

My mum was kindly house-sitting for me, so I left £50 for her to pay - he only charged me £20. I put the other £30 in a very safe place, so much so that I couldn't find it for over a week. It was only when I put on some shorts to workout in that I realised where it had gone - through the washing machine!

Fortunately bank notes are made out of fairly strong stuff apparently, so they have survived completely intact, although a lot cleaner than the probably used to be :D

I took the shot on top of my glass coffee table, with the off-camera flash lying flat on it, to give sufficient reflection but throw most of the surroundings into darkness. I then enhanced that black background by pulling down the highlights and blacks sliders in Lightroom. Then into CS6 for a few areas of colour sneaking into the corners to be painted out (on a seperate layer, of course) before a levels adjustment. Finally added more punch and contrast with a Silver Efex Wet Rocks preset layer, changing the blend mode to luminosity and reducing the opacity to around 70%.

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