Tutto bene

By Blackdrake


Zephyr is a selcouth kitten, he has an amazing, rare ability to non verbally communicate his needs to me, I think it must be the special bond between cat and human. It's almost as though when I look deep into his soulful, saucer like eyes I can READ HIS MIND!!! FEED ME (NOW)
Selcouth - today's challenge word meaning unusual, rare, strange. I did see a strange thing today but wasn't able to take a photo as I was driving, just on the roundabout, half on the road was a pile of 4 or 5 front doors - must have fallen off a lorry or skip - strange indeed. So it is return of the kitten emergency blip with an ounce of weird thrown in :-)
Also day 2 of 100 happy days - my kitties do make me feel happy - mostly, the loo roll which I've just found shredded at the bottom of the stairs not so much so, but the fuzzypurrymeowness does!

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