Family Dog

By Family_Dog

Poorly Poppet

Monday crept up on us all too quickly after a really lovely family weekend.

We weren't ready for it at all - especially with the promise of bright sunshine - on a work day! Why is it always the way? Anyway, it had even less to offer us when we realised Ida wasn't just being her usual awkward-at-eating-breakfast self and was genuinely ill.

Probably around the time that she threw up in the sink - that's when I twigged it was legit.

We spent the day on the sofa - I worked from home and she watched Peppa Pig and Grease (Ida's new obsession. She even managed a few hand dances despite being so ill) most of the day. We both kept looking out the window at the sunshine and sighing - so much to do outside these days....

The rest of the day she snoozed. And threw up. And snoozed. And threw up.....repeat till 6am...

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