
It's now been 5 days since D-Day, and I'm a bit disappointed that I haven't bounced back quite as quickly as I'd hoped. I did go into work, but the meds that were meant to last 6 hours, were wearing off after 4, so by the time I got home at 1:30 I felt like crap, with a pain level of , oh, say, a migraine in my mouth. So I made soup and then decided as I wasn't going out again, I could have one of the stronger "do not drive, may cause drowsiness" pills as well. I slept all afternoon. I vaguely remember having a conversation with the husband's secretary who was trying to track him down in Holland. I don't think I was much use to her! So now I have to drag myself out of bed again and create some sort of mush for dinner. Hopefpully I will feel better tomorrow.

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