Pity Party For One

First the good news.... My mouth stitches came out while I was eating dinner last night, so my gums feel a lot more comfortable now, so much so that I don't feel I need the painkillers. Yay! It's a good job really as I came down with the vomitting bug around 8pm last night, and haven't been able to keep anything down since. Not even water. The husband is in Amsterdam on business and the kids are back at college so it's just me and the cats. I staggered downstairs and gave them the biggest bowls of food they had ever seen this morning, so they would stop walking on me (Rodney), and poking claws in my face (Agatha), and rubbing their furry face in mine so I would sneeze (Edna). I also managed to put this appetising selection of tasty morsels together, crackers , bread and butter, and Leibnitz butterkeks, which I have taken to bed with me to nibble on, should I fancy them. I'm hoping it's a 24 hour bug as it's now 8:07 and my 24 hours is up. Hopefully there will be no more sprints to the bathroom!

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