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By pplnani

A Close Encounter

I drove out to the reservoir this morning to put a bit more charge in my car battery and as I parked in the car park I was spotted by several geese who started running really fast towards the car. Unfortunately I didn't have the camera immediately to hand and turned on as the sight of them running so fast was hilarious. Most of them gave up when it became obvious that I wasn't going to get out yet and started to eat the grass some way off but the one in the blip wasn't going to be so easily put off. He came right up to the car, peered into the window and stared at me nose to beak with only inches and the glass of the window between us, he then proceeded to walk all the way around my car giving it a really close inspection and peering into all the windows to see what was inside, he looked so funny. He ended up going round the car another three times before he retired to the nearby grass bank to chew on some more grass. I keep a small amount of swan/duck food in my car so before I drove off I threw him a handful as a just reward for keeping me so entertained and providing me with today's blip - Thank you Mr Goose :-))

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