nonsenses & truths

By sloeburn

Random rain

I'm tired. I should be at home, tidying and cleaning for the state visit at the weekend, but I can't muster any enthusiasm. It'll be a last minute not-very-thorough job. I know that my parents don't care, their house is famous for both clutter and lack of housework, but I care.

I haven't had a decent night's sleep this week, I keep waking up for no obvious reason. Fortunately this has extended to my actual alarm clock time, and I've been in at work earlier this week than I've managed for ages - 7.50 am yesterday.

Had a tour of facilities to do this afternoon. I used to get really stressed by these, but they have become easier with time/practice/confidence. Today's, however, was fairly horrible. The guy came across as really hard to impress and I didn't feel like I was providing either what I was supposed to or what he was looking for.

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