It's All In The Caption

The great blipper Kendall suggested I join the Facebook group called group for anarchists to post pictures of their cats in, and that made sense. It turns out I joined the group about a year ago, but then forgot all about it. Recent press coverage has more than doubled the size of the group in the past week (now 2500+). This is one of the reasons why I've fallen behind in blipping. I stayed up late last night posting my favorite shots of Max, Carlo, and Laura Earle.

This image from Monday went in with the caption, "Laura Earle works on developing her dreams while Max watches out for the soul-crushers." Many others from the past few years (some of which I blipped) quickly brought in scores of "likes," but with short, anarchistic captions. Most of the people chiming in are total strangers to me, they seem to love their kitties for the same reasons I love mine.

Just what I needed: another excuse to dote on my three lazy fuzz-balls!

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