In My World

By JoanneInOz


Between showers of rain today I have wandered around my garden, camera in hand, taking photos and removing a few weeds, rejoicing in the much needed rain and also the fact that the dry weather of the summer months prevented the growth of too many weeds and burnt many that attempted to grow.

The frangipani tree is still in flower and some of the photos I took were so lovely that I thought everyone might like to see the end of the flowers before they all fall from the tree.

Nature had other ideas though. My grevillea tree, just outside my front door, has played host to two gorgeous Eastern Rosellas each afternoon for the last three days. Being the shy creatures that they are though, any movement from me, however slight, scares them away.

I heard them in the tree just a few minutes ago, picked up my camera, switched it on indoors (they fly away at the sound of the camera switched on,) opened the screen door ever so carefully, snuck out onto the veranda, paying attention to avoiding the dry dead leaves near the door (I stood on one the other day and the crackling of the leaf scared them away,) lifted the camera to my face and Click! It didn't move, so I clicked again!

Just as well I got that second shot in, as a second later, they flew away. There is a leaf slightly across the birds face, but this is definitely the best photo of these beauties I have ever managed, and I'm very pleased.

I will show you the frangipanis tomorrow.....perhaps..... :)

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