Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly

Last of the Sun

I confess I'm not a big fan of leaving the house before sunrise. Even less of arriving at my destination before sunrise. Oh well, there's some potential work out of it, potentially. New connections anyway.

That was the early bird BNI, after which I had my usual Venus network group, which is always fun, followed by a 'Rave' with one of the other women in the group. I can only hope that my burbles about construction, architecture & renovations were as interesting to her as her marketing advice was to me.

Midday I went to buy tickets for the Writers' Festival in May. I'm particularly looking forward to Reza Aslan.

Tuckered out from my early start (after my usual late late night) combined with abdominal cramps & nausea, I decided to spend the after at home sorting out a few things here. It means I'll have to play catch up tomorrow, but the way I figure: I probably still would've & I would still have my domestic matters to resolve, so...

Typically enough, evening brought more energy & another pretty sky which I enjoyed in bits, sans camera until it was near gone.

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