Are you still exercising, Mom?

Every evening in parks, apartment complexes, and university grounds, Thai people gather to exercise together. In every Bangkok neighborhood I've lived in or visited, I've found a similar gathering.

Usually the hour of aerobics involves loud music, a stage, instructor, and people of all ages following along. Sometimes the pattern of steps and moves is quite complicated, other times even the little kids can follow along. You will usually find people from all professions, primarily (but not only) women, old, young, and middle aged coming together with fitness in mind. Depending on the location, it's free or each person pays a small fee to the instructor at the end of each evening.

It's also a place to build community. People invite their friends along or make new friends there and then go to the market to get dinner afterwards. Every time I walk by, I'm invited to join. Sometimes I do, and sometimes I just smile and cheer them on.

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