
By Sheppitsgal

Library Haul

Busy day today. Worked until 5 (ish) as usual, then Alan picked me up and we went off to the library. Took some books back, picked some books up.

Then we went to fill the car up at Tesco, with petrol, that is! I had 20p per litre off fuel on my clubcard, and the fuel light was flashing, so we made quite a saving.

Stopped at the pub for some tea, which was fairly rubbish, so won't mention further.

Came home, cleaned out the log burner and re-laid it, dusted and swept the living room. Alan is in the process of vaccing the stairs - a job which I HATE. I have made the spare room bed up, as Beryl, Alan's mum, is coming to stay as it is Mother's Day weekend. Our shopping delivery arrived at 8pm. It's now 8.30pm and once I have finished this blip, I will do the ironing, then have a bath and probably go to bed. Oh, after I've emptied the washing machine.

And.... breathe.

The picture shows the freshly made spare room bed with some of the books I have picked up today, along with 'Mr Penumbra's 24-hour Bookstore', by Robin Sloan. This was recommended to me on Twitter last Monday, I picked it up on Tuesday and had read it by last Friday. I've kept this one back from the library, as I think Beryl might like to read it.

I would give it 4* out of 5. Enjoyed it. Consider this my first book recommendation for Blippers!

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