
By cowgirl

Wriggle Bum!

Mary ( still calling herself Me-me ) was full of beans when we visited her at home today. Rachel asked me to take some more photos of Alex, and we attempted a few shots of the three of them, but couldn't keep Mary still enough! This is one of a few I managed to get inbetween her running around. We went outside for more running around, mostly with Sav and " Meme " doing the running whilst I tried to get a few photos in focus.

Rachel took the chance to do some tidying up and was sorting laundry when we all ran back inside away from the sudden hail shower that had begun. Mary took great delight in picking up items of clothing and telling Sav who they belonged to - mostly it was " mummy's pants " that she was waving at him! Oh, it was funny! Rachel took it in her stride!

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