
By AussieinOz

Southwest trail in Prague 9

Today I went for a hike along the southwest nature trail in Prague 9. The trail starts in UN Square, then meanders along some city streets (points of interest include schools). The trail then wanders along by a stream, which would be quite pretty except that, on your left, is a blue, galvanised iron fence ... I tried desperately to ignore the fence and enjoy the sounds of the water burbling along. I stopped at the marked signs, but they were all in Czech. I did see a memorial to those who died in the May 1945 uprising against the Nazis, and the Prague rugby pitch (this is a football nation, so rugby struck me as unusual).

Further along the trail I escaped the blue fence. The track is great for walking and cycling, and is enhanced by some exercise stations for the very energetic.

The path then left the stream, and I wandered along a bike path, across a major road, through a construction site and then across a pedestrian bridge to find myself back by the stream. The bridge is not the world's most attractive bridge, but it would probably do for Pooh Sticks if one couldn't find another ...

So I walked and walked along the stream. I wandered along a stretch which would have been peaceful except for the rather incessant traffic noise from a, mercifully, invisible highway at the top of the hill. Finally that ended, and then I came across an interesting collection of tiny cabins that seemed smaller than my apartment, all of which seemed to be occupied. And there were ducks and, I think, water vole.

More walking (my guide said 2.2 km for this stretch but I didn't have any way of measuring it) and wondering if the next bridge was the one I needed to take ... (it wasn't, nor was the next, or the next). Finally the path turns into a paved road with houses, before I hiked up a hill, next to another highway, to find the tram stop to head home.

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