Look, See, Click

By lookseeclick

Georgia on my mind

.... Georgia O'Keeffe, that is. Couldn't resist snapping this tulip and it's impersonation of a set of lady-lips.

It's been an arty kind of day. Dropped off a disc of the photos I took yesterday to the leader of the workshop who had commissioned me to do some photos for her, then nipped down to St Margaret's Church of Art to measure up display space in preparation for DandiFest! which kicks off in four weeks time.

DandiFest! is being organised by the Norwich Dandies art collective (of which I'm a member) and it's a two week festival of art, poetry, politics based at St Margarets, on St Benedicts Street.

Highlights include Adopt-A-Pansy, Feminist Armpits, a giant still life food sculpture and loads of other fun and fabulous happenings. Hopefully I'm going to be exhibiting some of my protest pics, enlarged rather large.

I also spotted some rather eye-catching grafitti with some very powerful messages which I snapped and might include.

Creativity completed I then spent the afternoon multitasking: doing the ironing whilst having a cheeky glass of red and listening to the first part of the Divine Comedy on the radio. Bit of a misnomer if you ask me.

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