Flowering sansevieria

Today we went to another hockey game of son no 1, an away game in Oisterwijk in The Netherlands. They did lose today, which can happen. But seldom have I a seen a game which upset me as much as this one, the referees were really bad and partial (I've been a referee myself a long, long time ago) and also couple of players sustained injuries, amongst which one a head wound which will need sutures .

Anyway, we dropped off son no 2 at home in The Netherlands afterwards and I took a couple of pics of flowering shrubs and trees in the garden there, but inside I also noticed that the sansevieria potplants are flowering. These plants belonged to my mother-in-law and they have survived years of less attention than they should have gotten while the house stood more or less empty apart from the holidays. I haven't seen their flowers often and with a backdrop of the lawn in the front garden that made for a nice opportunity for a close-up.

Oh yes, Happy Mother's Day to all who celebrate this today, in Holland and Belgium it won't be celebrated until the second Sunday of May

Thanks very much for your comments and stars for yesterday's tea Blip :-)

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