
Long lazy day doing not very much. Watching the fish, reading my book, writing lists, drafting emails and trying to get the bloody thing to send! Grrrr!

I'm rubbish at chopsticks, I can play it on the piano but I can't eat with them. Apparently I'm learning!

It could be a new diet, at the rate I'm going I'll be a size 10 before the end of the week!

Seaweed tastes like Portobello.

Monday beckons too soon!

And I find chopsticks frankly distressing. Am I alone in thinking it odd that a people ingenious enough to invent paper, gunpowder, kites and any number of other useful objects, and who have a noble history extending back 3,000 years haven't yet worked out that a pair of knitting needles is no way to capture food?
Bill Bryson

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