
By Cully

Ruby, ruby, ruby, ruby

The whole family went out to celebrate Mum (her first ever blip appearance) and Dads Ruby wedding anniversary. My mum wasn't impressed by all the fuss and you could tell from her fake smile (very similar to mine when I'm not impressed) hence the somewhat blurred capture of them not concentrating on the camera. No time for a better shot as Nan became ill, lost her footing, nearly threw up in the pub and got took home before her ice cream came. She was better once home and we all made it to the pub, except for Nan, to celebrate a little longer.

We will have to cut the cake tomorrow.

40 years. I don't know how dad puts up with mum but then I don't see how mum puts up with dad either.

If the boy and I make it to 40 years he will be 79 and me, 71, gulp!

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