Life through the lens...

By ValC

The best things in life are free!

A gradual climb brought us to the top. (Seen better LARGE)
The church bells were ringing out as we left the village of Langcliffe, Near Settle.
There was to be a christening at the church. How appropriate for Mothering Sunday.

Although it was hazy, you could still feel the warmth of the sun, and before we reached the top, most of us had already taken off one layer of clothes.

You could here the skylarks singing.
The sheep with their new born lambs bleating, in the fields below.
What a patchwork of fields, so typical of the Yorkshire Dales.
The dry stone walls, and limestone cliffs.

We passed a barn where the new lambs were being born.
The newest arrival just five hours old.
Some huddled together being fed from a drum of warm milk. These were either the last one of triplets or ones that had been abandoned by their mothers. All having to be hand reared.

On the way back we walked along beside the river.
Pale primroses nestled amongst the bright yellow celandines.
The water shone and sparkled in the sunlight.

We were all so happy to be out enjoying the countryside, and each others company.

Such a beautiful day.

A back blip, as friends called when we got home, and stayed late! seen better large. More photos on my blip folio SEE HERE Will catch up with everyone later today..

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