
We are the king and queen of spotting magnolia trees when out walking - there seems to be a lot about around by us this year...unless it has always been there and we just haven't noticed it!

Another busy day today - Minnie didn't wake until 730am and after breakfast and a bath she slept for a further hour and a half. Usually this would be fine but we had a lunch date! I filled the time with a food shop while Mum stayed with Minnie and then I banged around upstairs in the hope of waking her! She woke eventually, with big smiles, and we headed to Touchwood where we met my cousin Helena and 8 week old Ronan. Ronan is thriving, he weighs the same as Minnie and is about the same length too! He's a healthy lad :)

We had a lovely catch up and a delicious lunch. It was Helena's birthday at the weekend and I had a canvas made for her with a photo of newborn Ronan which she loved :)

Me and Mum left H and did a spot of shopping - all things for Minnie from John Lewis and Zara Baby. By the time we got home it was 4pm so we saddled the dogs up and put Minnie in the Baby Bjorn and headed for a walk as I needed to post some things. Home and I cooked a roast dinner whilst making a few purees and Mum watched Minnie.

After a busy few days Minnie went down straight away at 645pm giving us time for a relaxed dinner and I have just had a bath with a face mask, a glass of Prosseco and my book.

I thought Mum was leaving tomorrow but she is staying till Thursday. Just had an email from a friend regarding Paloma Faith tour dates - v excited to be booking that on Friday :)

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