
By samsticks

Looka Looka

Miles is an entertainer, he likes making sure that you've seen something by pointing at it and saying 'Looka Looka'. Maybe one day he'll develop some other key skills, but for now that's pretty good.

At the moment he's particularly taken with the ceiling fans in our new house.

I think that we can definitely say that he's now walking too... all of a sudden he decided to stand up and have a little wander today. Funny how it just happens!

We had a good show of hot air balloons going over with breakfast this morning (including one shaped like a pint, which was obviously my favourite!). Pretty nice sunrise too.

You can see a bit of the horrid fake wood laminate that we've got in our kitchen here... in a first instance I think we're just going to paint over it until we decide what form our new kitchen's going to take.

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