horns of wilmington's cow

By anth

Watch out Bellow!

Ooh that's a poor pun... One of the cameras I got in a lot of 6 plus a cine camera for £10 from an auction last week. For the time being I've decided to keep hold of the gorgeous Agfa Isolette and the cine camera, but the rest is on eBay (together with a second lot of a Minolta 35mm SLR and a couple of lenses).

And this Welmy-Six has made me back my money on the big lot all on its own. Not in as good nick as the Agfa, but there's still something beautifully tactile about these old folding bellows cameras.

Busy old day. Last trip to the dentist for a while (woo hoo!) - had to be anaesthetised 3 times as I just kept feeling the drill going in, but that's it done and dusted (and finally my face is starting to lose its numbness!). Lunchtime today was a race along Princes Street to be interviewed by the BBC for Reporting Scotland (I'm gonna let you guess what about - but 6.30pm tonight, BBC1, if they happen to use any of me). And tonight is a stop by the Sheep Heid for a quick drink with a cycle saddle chap, then home to make dinner (as I've promised to do so all this week).

The interview thing was fun. Just after speaking to another chap some Christmas music struck up (we were at Waverley Bridge) so we moved to the very centre of Princes Street - on the central reservation. And it sort of confirmed to me I could quite happily do telly stuff. As soon as we got talking all that self-consciousness with busloads of people staring at you wondering who on earth you are just disappeared. Now. Why can't I manage that with the camera? Every now and then it'll happen, but more often than not I'll be put off a shot by someone walking by...

Maybe it's just having the camera pointed in the other direction...

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