As I Promised..

that I would do..update you on the building that was to be finished by the end of March.

As you can see it is nearly there but I would say the finishing date would be the end of this month.. they may have the floors which the Rabobank is occupying finished soon.

The carpark was sealed at the end of last week. The Bank logo and signs look like it just went up today. They do have a lot of people working really hard to get it all done as so as possible!

Sorry, this shot is on a bit of a angle.. I would have got run over if I had gone out onto the busy street to get a better shot!

I just heard before that Chile has had a 8.2 earthquake this afternoon and there is Tsunami warning out for along their coast line. Do hope there hasn't been many if any people killed and badly hurt. Must be so worrying for them over there now.

Thankyou very much for your wonderful stars, hearts and kind words for my 365th blip ... so kind of you all .. thankyou again!

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