
By scribbler

The Fool

Tarot card and finger puppet. (SOOC, cropped.)

There's no fool like an old fool, so here I am with a quadruple challenge.
(This may be a one-day wonder, so don't be impressed quite yet.
Notice that The Fool is about to walk off a cliff.)

1. chantler63's Shakespeare Challenge, too clever to pass up.
Day 1 Trinculo - the Fool (April fool?) in ‘The Tempest’

2. National Poetry Writing Month, one poem per day.

3. Finish The Novel!. Five hours of scribbling today, 50 pages under open-heart surgery (still on the heart-lung machine, but expected to resume a full life).

4. I am also trying to reread the Bhagavad Gita in preparation for a weekend workshop in early May.

Is this spring fever, or merely garden-variety insanity? Please don't mention the sink full of dirty dishes. I have my priorities. There's no fool like an old fool. (One sign is that we repeat ourselves.)

So here's the first poem. About Shakespeare. With a tad of Robbie Burns thrown in for good measure. Ha! I did have fun today!


Thirty poems in thirty days?
I’d be a Fool to try!
But wisely Will the Bard I praise
Till a’ the seas gang dry.

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