A Wasp's nest.

We were checking him for about a week now! He flies in the front door, straight to the kitchen cupboard! This part has no door, just an open shelf with a little wine rack. That is exactly where he built his nest! Painstakingly carrying wee bits of mud into the house and building his nest against the framework of the wine rack!

He apparently tried a few other spots before he finally decided on the third pillar from left! ;-) It seems to be completed now, I will try to get a shot of him sitting on his nest to show you!

Today was a good day for my family and most of all for me! Though we are mentally exhausted tonight, we are very relieved and happy! We had quite a dark cloud hanging over our heads for about two weeks now!! Eisch!
There are a few spots on my body that worried us as well as the doctor and last week the mammogram and sonar was done and showed some areas of concern, but today the specialist at one of the very big and reputable breast clinics in Pretoria made a very positive diagnosis of non-malignancy! Thank heavens! We are só grateful!

Apparently I have quite a serious problem with arthritis, which I've known about and tried to manage mentally for many years, but it affected by rib joints, where connected to the breastbone, very badly and the glands are swollen to fight the inflamed joints, the name of the condition is Costochondritis or Tietze Syndrome (named after the dr who discovered the disease). Quite a harmless condition, although very painful and can last for several weeks at a time!!

He subscribed a well known anti inflammatory, not harmful to the GI system, and if the condition does not improve after about two weeks of treatment, he will inject small amounts of Cortisones in each affected little joint! Só, fingers crossed for these little capsules! ;-)

I want to thank all my dear family members, here with me as well in as in Sweden, and all my dear friends who prayed for me and carried me with love and care during these two weeks!! LUV YA ALL!!

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