Better Late Than Never!

A few weeks ago, my fellow Bayshore cellist, Kelly, shared with me an advance copy of The Late Starters Orchestra, by former New York Times reporter Ari L. Goldman. Though I've finished reading it, I picked it up again last night to re-read a few sections before I have to return the book.

The Late Starters Orchestra, or more officially, The New York Late Starters Orchestra, was formed in 2007 and fills a unique niche among the many music ensembles in New York City. It is strictly for amateur musicians, and their motto is, "If you think you can play, you can." For those unfamiliar with the insanely competitive New York scene, an amateur string ensemble like LSO (no, not London Symphony Orchestra) is a breath of fresh air.

Despite the fact that Late Starters isn't destined to be on any best sellers list, I thoroughly enjoyed and related to author Ari Goldman's charming story recounting his decision to take up the cello again in mid-life, the hurdles faced by adult learners, descriptions of lugging a cello around, lessons - both his own, and his young son's, practicing, the passing of his beloved cello teacher, and finally, joining The Late Starters Orchestra.

The Late Starters Orchestra will be published in June. I wholeheartedly recommend this warm and passionate musical adventure to anyone who's ever taken on a new challenge in mid-life and knows that it's never too late to start.

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