Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Isn't it funny how life reflects back exactly what you need to learn? I attempted a little Christmas shopping yesterday and spent half an hour watching other pushier people battle their way into the highly sought after parking spots. I observed it happen again and again and saw that I was being far too passive. It made me reflect on other areas of my life where I'm being too passive and not standing up for my rights.

If we don't stand up for ourselves and express our needs we give away our power. There may be some areas in life where you feel comfortable standing up for yourself but there are others where you need extra help. It might be easy to state boundaries with friends but not your partner; at work but not with your family.

Anger shows us our boundaries by telling us where someone's behaviour is not OK with us. When someone does something that makes us angry that is showing us they've overstepped a line; they've crossed our personal boundary of how we expect to be treated.

Some boundaries are universal - few people would think it's OK to hit someone, steal from them etc. Other boundaries are really individual and need to be expressed. One person might think it's OK to visit unannounced in the middle of a mealtime while another would consider it out of order. One person might think it's OK to be late for a drink or a meeting, while another would think that was unacceptable. It's important to be clear about your own boundaries and find out the boundaries that are important to other people in your life.

The yellow rose is because boundaries relate to the Solar Plexus Chakra which is yellow.

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