Flower Spirit

By flowerspirit


Today is considered to be a spiritually significant day for letting go of the old. Noah and I wandered down to the river, gathering twigs to represent things we wanted to let go of. We tossed a twig into the river saying 'I let go of....' and repeated the process again and again until we'd said goodbye to all the negative thoughts, circumstances and emotions we could think of.

Then we called on the elements to help us bring new positives into our lives, imagining dreams coming true and new opportunities manifesting. Noah called upon the great spirit of Nintendo to welcome a DS into his life this Christmas. I saw myself clearly fulfilling my creative plans for the coming year - SO much to look forward to, so much already starting to unfold!

I was taught this prayer by a wonderful spiritual teacher in Scotland and it's been playing in my head today. Allow the words to settle into you warmly all the way down to your toes.

May the blessings of Spirit rest upon you.
May the peace of Spirit abide with you.
May the presence of Spirit illuminate your heart.

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