A Walk Through Deb's Life

By debsthoughts


Just kidding. But lots of stuff got canceled, which was fine by me. See those trash cans out there? Canceled. Yea, they'll be there tomorrow if the snow plow doesn't cover them or drag them away, because frankly, I am not going out to bring them in. It's blowing sideways and drifting and the temp has dropped ten degrees in the last few hours. It's 21 degrees F and will be a lot colder tomorrow. But tomorrow I'll have to bring in the cans and clear the driveway.


Edit: Arghhh! I just realized I didn't go get the mail today either. ...mumblemumble...going to bundle up now, at 9 p.m. and go get the mail and might as well bring in the cans too. Sigh.

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