
...enemy, emony and windflower are four of the many colloquial names for the wood anemone, one of the most welcome of spring flowers in woodland and hedgerows, whose heads nod and shake in the slightest breeze. Wood anemones, primroses, violets and celandines made a pleasing tapestry of colour in Thorpe Wood today, providing some much needed vibrance under a dull, lifeless grey sky. But at least the pollution levels have dropped, and the sickening haze has dissipated.

This evening I took Alex out for a practice drive around our local streets. We were both a little nervous, as its the first time he's been in our car, and driven without the reassurance of dual controls. He found that the Corsa handled very differently from his driving instructor's car, but he soon acclimatised and did very well, though I wish he would keep both hands on the wheel a bit more!! Tomorrow we're going to try some country roads...

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