KIcking back at Take 5 (and beyond)

It's been a difficult, uppy-downy week to be honest so when I got the text from Rol just before 5pm saying that he 'felt the call to Take5' and would I like to join him of course I said yes. This is the place where we have sat and dreamed dreams, celebrated successes, aired fears and mourned losses. It is part of us. And this is a new piece of art they have on display.

It was lovely to be with my love at Take5 to tell him that the Norwich Dandies artist collective have been awarded an Arts Council grant which will make an enormous difference to the Dandifest! festival we are putting on at the end of April.

It was also lovely to be there at the start of a weekend which will see us going back to Bradford (my home town) to remember and celebrate the lives of two dear friends who died this last year.

After we ate together, talked, we went our separate ways for the evening. He to home and I to another bar where the amazing CN Lester (google the name) was performing. I had my camera with me but really, really didn't feel like taking photos. But something whispered in my ear: 'What the hell, you might as well' and this is what happened.

A kind of magic, I guess.

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