
At the wedding of a lovely lady who was called Karen M till about 2pm today,,,now she's Mrs H! At the venue she had a photobox photo booth. You got to go in and get 4 shots. You could take in an array of wigs, hats, spectacles, props and hairpieces provided. A rather good idea. I wasn't invited into the first attempt (as blipped) but the benefit was I got to stand outside and take photos of what was going on inside the booth. Mr H is on the left. This is the future of the UK robotics industry right here. What fun. Very glad they all took part.

In other news I saw my first lambs of the year, rather lovely. I wanted to scoop them up and hug them. I drove from Birmingham to Chester on A roads and the land was green and lush, so much better than using the motorway. I see my friend Liz tomorrow briefly, first time in years!

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