...that's what some people are.

Yet again another burglary at work. Yet again, the impact is felt by students who lose out because of the selfish behaviour of scummy thieves who think, no, sorry - think is not a word that can be used with these people, who just come in to our school and take what is not theirs without any thought to the impact it has on the people who it belongs to.

Yesterday evening, some scumbag came into our school, helped himself to some brand new flat screen TV's that are used to showing video footage to students and just walked out as bold as brass.

How do we know? The joys of CCTV. Fortunately we are extensively covered and fortunately the pictures are crystal clear.

To add insult to injury, it would appear that I spoke to the scumbag in question as he was lurking inside our main reception area in the afternoon yesterday - I spoke to him to challenge him about why he was there (politely) and he assured me he was on his way out - and he did leave. But it would appear that he lurked around school for a long while. More worrying is it appears he had wandered into school whilst students were still there earlier in the afternoon. We are pretty tight on security - we're still trying to get to the bottom of HOW he got in.

If its not theirs, why do some people think they have a right to have it? The subsequent time that has been consumed trawling through footage and unpicking the situation today- what a waste! The impact on students and their right to have decent resources - grossly unfair. The fact that our place of work should be safe for all of us who SHOULD be there - scum like that make us feel at risk, and violated.

I hope you get yours, whoever you are...Karma is a wonderful thing.

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