A Plumbers Wife!

By hebsjournal

Not for twelve months

Today has just been one of those days that with the benefit of hindsight, you should have just stayed in bed, pulled the duvet over your head and ignored the world.

In reverse order

This evening I went to give blood. For a start, despite having an appointment, I wasn't seen for 40 minutes. Then the nurse asked me why I hadn't made an appointment. Then when I was having my initial assessment, I was informed that I couldn't give blood for twelve months because of the procedure I had back in September - I now have to wait for 2 clear cervical smear tests before I can donate again (march and September, as I am on 6 monthly checks). Felt really bad, and a little narked that I had sat for so long to find that out.

This was after having spent 4 hours at Chidlrens A&E in Warrington. Last night, James gave himself an almighty clonk on the head on his cabin bed. When he woke up this morning, he was definitely out of sorts, very pale, not at all chatty. Bad mother that I am, told him to get on with it and he'd be fine. I told his childminder, who subsequently told his teacher for me and I had passed on the message that if there was any issue to ring me. At 9.50 the phone call came into school - James struggling to stay awake - really drowsy and complaining of dizzy spells too. Cover was rapidly arranged for my lessons (thank you M.T. _ i know it was a dreadful day for cover so I appreciate you pulling it together for me) and I left school. I then got stuck in a traffic jam on the M60 for 45 minutes, and eventually got to James' school at 11.15! After ringing the NHS helpline for advice, I was told to take him to A&E.

I did the right thing, but sadly, with 1 doctor on duty and two nurses in the Children's A&E ward, 3 babies with bumps to the head, an asthma attack and other patients - James wasn't seen until mid afternoon, by which time he was pacing the floor, upset, bored, starving hungry because he hadn't eaten since last night, as he hadn't wanted breakfast because he had felt poorly! Five minutes with the Doctor, then we waited for the nurse to arrive with paracetamol medicine, which she never did, so we left. I have to monitor him for the next 24 hours just to make sure there are no symptoms that he has done any serious damage. "Let me explain to you the difference between sleeping and a coma - I don't want to panic you..." said the Doctor. Nice.

As it happens, James appears to be right as rain now and I am utterly exhausted.

Up early - a man coming to visit to quote for cavity wall insulation. Then we are off to my friend's house to have a nosey and to introduce James to her big friendly husky dog called Logan. I think I might have my blip for tomorrow.

Night all.

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