
Up at the crack of dawn (well 8.30 actually but that is virtually unheard of for me on a Saturday - I am normally a bed sloth until lunchtime!).

Cavity Wall insulation chap came round at 9 - 150 quid for the house to be done - "great" says I - "next weekend" says he "bloody hell" says corin as he has to remove the roof from our lean-to garage before they can do the job. Guess what he's been doing all day!

Went to town, this owl was sat waiting for his photo to be taken. When I asked his owner if I could take a photo, the owl looked straight at the camera and stayed like that until I put it away. Made me chuckle. His name is TWILIGHT.

Hot chocolate in Thorntons Cafe with Kay, then a bit of Christmas shopping. Train there and back. No traffic numptiness for me :-)

Been to my friend's new house this evening - lovely old stone built house near Rossendale - wonderful high ceilings, loft conversion that I would kill for - it would make a fabulous studio for painting and photography!

Shopping at Sainsburys ( i couldn't face Asda!) came back with too many treats.

Home - just waiting on the X-factor result. Saddo.

Happy Saturday :-)

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