A different point of view

I had the misfortune to go to a well known high street computer shop today and was appalled at the lack of customer service. I try not to go there that often, but was in need of printing transfers for making t-shirts and there was nowhere else. Anyway, whilst being served (after waiting in a queue for 10 minutes), the chap in front of me observed to the checkout assistant and manager that it would make a certain degree of sense to use all three checkouts so that customers did not have to wait so long. In normal civilised society, I would have half hoped that the manager might have, at the very least, apologised to the customer for his wait, and maybe accepted that it was a sensible suggestion. Clearly, she had a different point of view though - and she barked at him that there weren't enough staff available to man all of the tills (and basically Sir, its tough s**t if you had to wait). This clearly got the customer's back up - so he suggested that maybe any one of a number of employees who were ambling around aimlessly could have stepped up to the plate. She responded with "They are all with customers Sir". His response? He stood and pointed at 5 separate employees, all stood by themselves, looking bored, and asked "Is he with a customer? No? I didn't think so!" and repeated it for each one. The manager just walked off!!!!

Corin has been a busy bee - he has completely dismantled our garage (a carport that he had enclosed 3 years ago as we aren't allowed to have a real garage on this estate). We now have room on the drive for 2 cars and a van, and he has constructed a smaller secure 'unit' at the top of the drive for his motorbikes.

Me - printing t-shirts and Christmas cards, taking random photos and doing another Sunday roast! I accidently discovered that HDR works in mono (i.e. I had left my camera set to monochrome and had taken a series of shots of the fairy lights in the bike garage - grumbled initially when I realised, but played around with them anyway - the results are here

Love Sundays.

X-factor final - snuggle time with my boy!


PS - its the view looking straight up the outside wall of our house to the apex of the roof!

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