You know you're getting old when...

you're giving a teenager a really good roasting and you say "Don't mess with me son, I've been doing this job longer than you've been alive". One of my colleagues (you know who you are!!!) complained to me about this - because it made them feel old too!!! Sorry chuck.

The photo is a desperation blip of sorts - its 10.15pm, I've packed all of my camera gear away ready to take into school tomorrow as its our Christmas show and Sarah "David Bailey" Hebdon has been asked to do the photos! So I grabbed Corin's camera (as he is slow roasting himself by the fire in the shed) and pointed it at one of my paintings - you have seen it before, but I have since returned to it and been a bit more bold about it. The light is crap - it looks great in here - all purples, metallic blues and pinks, lots of texture. The photo doesn't do it justice really.

Had a bonus early afternoon - no PMT, sorry, SMT meeting - so I managed to squeeze half an hour editing some video footage with one of our IT technies (cheers Mike!), then got James early (I love his indignant surprise whenever I collect him early - "What are You doing here at this time?!), cooked tea (stir fried chicken and rice noodles in a hot Goan lime sauce - I wondered why the sauce was called "Holy Cow" - when I started eating, those words sallied forth from my mouth...that must be why - it was hot, but scrumptious.) Have since spent the evening printing transfers to iron on to t-shirts, writing cards, wrapping presents and doing the shopping run for the Boss (not Corin, really, shopping for my boss!!! Presents for people - I offered...he didn't ask. In fact I quote -"I feel a git now" when I spoke to him)

Printing some photos of one of my friend's kids. Then I'm off to bed - had a broken night last night as Corin had a nightmare and woke up at 4.30 this morning, looked at me and screamed a real blood curdler. I know I look rough sometimes but that was a bit harsh (I won't even tell you what the nightmare was - it scared me enough not to go out of our room to the loo until he had gone there first!!!)

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