The Ghost of Christmas future

Christmas show at school tonight. We have some amazingly talented children. A pleasure to watch - 260 photos later...!!! Can't post any really, but I could just get away with this as the person concerned isn't recognisable.

Am knackered. Me and Lisa were nearly killed on the motorway this afternoon by some numpty who just pulled straight out off the sliproad into our lane without looking until he was half way into our lane and I could have reached through his window and poked his flippin' eyes out for him - Lisa had already swerved, he realised and went back into his own lane ...then Lisa screamed and shouted at lot. Really really rocked her, as it wasn't too long ago that she had a car accident and wrote her car off after aqua-planing and spinning on the motorway. All I can say is it was a good job Lisa was paying attention otherwise it could have been a nightmare of epic proportions.

Anyway, back to the show - A Christmas Carol. Took me back to my childhood days, where I had the dubious honour of playing Tiny Tim for two years runnign at primary school, as I was the smallest one there...!!!

God Bless us, every one.

Night all

PS - Blip meet - Liverpool, Thursday....see forum?!?!

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