
By Angelique

" Last train to?......"

We walked to Stogumber Station with Matthew this afternoon, and I wanted to get smart and give you 4 photos together but unfortunately couldn't get the computer to 'play ball'.

So here is the shot of Dunster Castle loco. The other photos would have been the driver who gave us a winning smile and two other shots of the amazing garden I used to tend.

We met with Anne who now has the task of fending off the rabbits and stemming the tide of the dreaded nettles and brambles. She is doing an admirable job.

So until I find a way of achieving this task and coming into the 21st century, I bring you not 4 but just the 1 photo. I hope you like it.

It is now after midnight, Matthew is waiting to slip into bed. I hope you have all enjoyed a peaceful Saturday. So I leave you with beautiful thoughts of a time when all mankind loves his fellow neighbour!! xx

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