National Garden Scheme

On the coach going to Aston Hall last week, a lady I didn't know asked me if I would be interested in visiting her friend's garden which she was opening for Charity as part of the National Garden Scheme.

I took the details and went along this afternoon (just after watching Andy Murray fail to bring us Davis Cup glory). I thought it might have rained but we were lucky.

The garden is very natural, with masses and masses of daffodils and narcissi, alongside great design and some interesting statues and woodcarvings. Even though it wasn't drenched in sunshine, it was peaceful just to walk amid this carefully tended garden, armed of course with camera, and trying to avoid accidentally snapping lively children.

This is a particularly early garden (although she repeats the open day in June) and most of them are later in the year. Here's the link in case any of you are interested.

National Garden Scheme - gardens open for charity

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