Late but lovely

Back to my garden for today's blip - two of my daffodils. They've bloomed quite late but I'm glad of them on a quite chilly overcast Saturday.

I'm still relishing the marvellous evening I spent at Symphony Hall last night. It was a recital given by that exceptional young man, Lang Lang.

He's been honoured with a Doctorate from Birmingham City University (the Conservatoire is part of that establishment) and there was a presentation at the beginning. I was on the front row, immediately in front of the piano stool and with a perfect view of the keys.

During the presentation, cameras were flashing everywhere. The lady who introduced the event welcomed Lang Lang's mother - who was a few seats away from us, with her iPhone being put to good use. The presenter commented that there is no way she could stop a certain proud mum from filming, but requested that we all put the cameras away for the performance (of course).

I was so close to him that I didn't get out my blackberry. It would have felt too intrusive. I just cherished the moment and felt so lucky to be at such an occasion.

And the performance was quite electric. Mozart sonatas - I love them - but the highlight was Chopin and the four Ballades............. I've seen some amazing pianists but this was a once in a lifetime performance. Stunned.

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